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Music at St. Philip

The Music Program at St. Philip strives to provide vibrant and
beautiful music of high quality that engages, edifies, and educates
our community of faith and the greater Houston community.
We believe that music has the very real power to enhance our
worship of God and to inspire us to serve God faithfully.

The four major ensembles at St. Philip
The St. Philip Choir Adults & High School Youth | Youth Choir Grades 6-12
Bell Canto Adult Bell Choir | Jubilate! Children's Choir

All provide music for Sunday worship and concertize occasionally as well.
St. Philip also provides support, training and education for tomorrow's
church musicians with its staff singer and organ intern programs.

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Music at St.Philip        


St. Philip is a member of the Presbyterian Church - USA
4807 San Felipe Street, Houston, TX 77056 - Ph. (713) 622-4807