
Faith is a journey that continually leads
us to places of discovery and growth.

We provide a variety of resources and opportunities for all ages, including occasions to gather and learn across generations.

Our church library, located off the Gathering Area near the Sanctuary has abundant resources on a wide variety of faith topics.

Lecture Series Events

The Duerr Lecture Series in February
and The Summer Lecture Series in August
  bring to St. Philip prominent professors
and pastors for presentations and extended conversations.
    Children - See further details about Children.    
    Youth at St. Philip Presbyterian Church are young people, grades 6 through 12, who explore... more details  
    Young Adults at St. Philip Presbyterian Church are persons in their 20s and 30s who engage... learn more  
    Adult Classes meet on Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 10:45... read further  

St. Philip is a member of the Presbyterian Church - USA
4807 San Felipe Street, Houston, TX 77056 - Ph. (713) 622-4807