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Mission Partners

2013 Booklet
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Matthew 25:35 - 40
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me… truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” NRSV
  St. Philip supports many area organizations and agencies, with talents, volunteer service hours, funding and supplies. In addition to designated local recipients and projects, the annual Mission budget supports Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly projects and programs that directly provide funding to Presbyterian seminaries and schools, church camps and retreat centers, global relief of hunger, shelter and emergency needs.   The Mission Commission is charged to set mission objectives and policies for St. Philip in local, national and international spheres; to identify the pressing social justice issues of the world in which we live and find ways for the St. Philip community to respond to them; and to define, supervise and set benevolence goals to these ends at all levels.
  Mission Partners 2013  
      Amazing Place  

The mission of Amazing Place is to provide fellowship, memory care and wellness for adults with mild to moderate memory loss and support to their families and the community. Volunteers are an important part of the day-to-day operations at Amazing Place. The staff welcomes the time, talents and skills that volunteers provide to enhance the daily activities program and operations of the center. Opportunities include a variety of different options, including providing group or individualized entertainment, assisting or leading daily activities, interacting with small groups of participants, or working with the administrative team on office and clerical work.

      Austin College  

Austin College is a private, residential, co-educational college dedicated to educating undergraduate students in the liberal arts and sciences while also offering select pre-professional programs and a graduate teacher education program... An Austin College education emphasizes academic excellence, intellectual and personal integrity and participation in community life. Founded in 1849 by a Princeton educated Presbyterian missionary, Austin College enjoys a place in early Texas history and remains a recognized leader in higher education for innovative programs, a strong faculty and dedicated students. website:

      Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary  

For the glory of God and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary is a
seminary in the Presbyterian Reformed tradition whose mission is to educate and equip individuals for the ordained Christian ministry and other forms of Christian service and leadership; to employ its resources in the service of the church; to promote and engage in critical theological thought and research; and to be a winsome and exemplary community of God’s people. St. Philip has supported Austin Seminary for over 50 years, understanding that the future of our denomination is directly correlated with APTS. John Wurster, our current senior pastor and many of our former pastors and associate pastors attended APTS. website:

      BANGLADESH | Dr. Cynthia Morgan & Dr. Leslie Morgan  

Since 1989 Les and Cindy Morgan have been serving as PC(USA) missionaries in Bangladesh, home to the fourth largest Muslim population in the world. In 1992 they helped the PC(USA) establish a formal partnership with the Church of Bangladesh (CoB), a denomination of over 19,000 members in 94 congregations, and since then have nurtured and helped carry out that church’s health ministries. The Morgans advise and train workers for the health programs of the CoB, including community health programs in five regions of the country, two hospitals, and two nursing schools — all of which help the CoB reach out in the name of Christ to its Muslim, Hindu and Christian neighbors.

Presbyterian Church (USA)
      Bering Omega Community Services  

Bering Omega Community Services exists to nurture the wellbeing and meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of persons affected by HIV/AIDS through compassionate health care and social services. Bering Omega’s Day Treatment program, a licensed adult care center, is the only one of its kind, offering services specifically for individuals with HIV/AIDS in Houston. The services include nursing care, physical therapy referral, nutritional counseling, a food program that provides meals, snacks and food bags at the end of each week.The Dental Clinic offers a full range of oral and dental healthcare services to those living with HIV/AIDS. website:

      Bethesda Clinic in Xocenpich, Mexico  

St. Philip has enjoyed a fraternal partnership in mission with Dr. Jose Estrella and the Bethesda Clinic since 2001. When a member of St. Philip was a student in Mexico, she met Presbyterian missionaries, the Rossers, through whom she met Jose Estrella. Jose was a boy from a very poor Maya family, whose bright mind was recognized by Presbyterian missionaries, who supported him through tuition from middle school, university & medical school in the capital. As soon as he received his M.D., he returned to his village of Xocenpich, where he has practiced medicine 24/7, living in a house behind the Clinic ever since. The Bethesda Clinic is included in St. Philip’s annual mission budget. St. Philip members have gone on several mission trips to Xocenpich.


Ever since CanCare was created in 1990, St Philip has been an active participant in its mission of hope for cancer survivors and their caregivers. From the first volunteer training class to the most recent class, #60, St. Philip members have logged many hours listening to those going through their shared experience with cancer or the care of a loved one. St. Philip members have participated in the annual marathon run, representing Can Care, as well as been leaders on CanCare’s Board of Representatives from its earliest years. Can Care and its volunteers see survivors as people first, then as patients, believing in the power of “passing on hope”.

      Camp CHO-YEH    

Our mission is to be a place where Jesus Christ transforms lives through meaningful relationships and outdoor adventures. Established in 1947, Cho-Yeh Camp and Conference Cen-ter is a premier Christian camp and retreat center in Livingston, TX. Cho-Yeh accomplishes their mission by hosting campers and college students during summer camp, adult groups at their hotel and conference center, church functions, or school groups in their retreats program. website:

      Christian Community Service Center (CCSC)    

The mission of the Christian Community Service Center (CCSC) is to serve the poor, hungry, disabled, and
otherwise needy while respecting their religious, ethnic or cultural differences. CCSC was created out of faith and founded in the belief that we are called to help all God’s children heart to heart and hand to hand.CCSC is a coalition of 41 Houston churches that began in 1980. Central Presbyterian Church was a founding member in 1980. For many years the community garden was at Central. website:

      Community of the Streets Outreach & Lord of the Streets Episcopal Church    

The work and mission of Lord of the Streets Episcopal Church and Community of the Streets Outreach is to minister to the spiritual, emotional, physical and social needs of individuals living in Houston who are homeless, in crisis or in transition. Community of the Streets Outreach Corporation (COTS) is the outreach arm of Lord of the Streets Episcopal Church (LOTS), a homeless congregation, and serves as a social service provider and advocate for the homeless and disadvantaged. Building on LOTS’ experience serving the homeless in Midtown and downtown Houston, COTS has carefully designed. website:

      Good Neighbor Healthcare Center    

Good Neighbor Healthcare Center promotes the well-being of our community by providing a full range of affordable quality primary and preventative health care in an environment that fosters dignity and respect.
For over 40 years the St. Philip community has supported Good Neighbor Healthcare Center. The clinic started in a donated Weingarten’s store with the assistance of three couples from three founding churches, St. Philip, St. John the Divine Episcopal and Chapelwood United Methodist. The founding couple from St. Philip was Joe and Ruth Hobbs. Since that time the clinic has grown but their mission has remained the same.

      Good Shepherd Hospital    

IMCK is a Christian primary health care facility and medical education center. Its services are centered at the Good Shepherd Hospital, which is a 140 bed facility about 10 miles outside of Kananga, in the Kasai Province of the DRCongo, and at PAX, a clinic located in the city of Kananga, that has 20 beds. General medicine, surgery, ophthalmology, pediatrics, gyn/obstetrics, dental services, radiology and lab services are provided. This faith-based organization has been in operation for almost 60 years. It is the largest Presbyterian affiliated hospital in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

      Houston International Seafarer's Ministries    

Recognizing that all humans are a gift of God, the mission of the chaplains and Committee for Ministry to the Port of Houston is to carry out a ministry of presence, outreach, witness, worship, service, and advocacy to, with, and for seafarers and their families from around the world. Members of St. Philip support the Seafarer's Ministry via periodic group visits to the Seafarer's Center, participation in the annual Christmas caroling cruise on the Houston ship channel, and preparation of Christmas gift boxes for seafarers.

      IMA World Health    

IMA World Health and the Presbyterian Church have a long history of partnership to advance health to vulnerable and marginalized people all over the world. In 1960, the United Presbyterian Church, now PC(USA), teamed up with five other Protestant mission boards to form “Interchurch Medical Assistance,” now IMA World Health. IMA’s role was to manage the procurement and distribution of medicines and medical supplies for mission hospitals, uniting this effort under one roof. PC(USA) currently supports IMA’s work to fight onchocerciasis (also known as River Blindness) in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Presbyterian Church (USA)
      Interface-Samaritan Counseling Centers, Inc.    

The Mission of Interface-Samaritan Counseling Centers, Inc. is to encourage human development by providing counseling and educational services from a Christian perspective. In 1987 Interface affiliated with The Samaritan Institute, a national organization. ISCC provides clinical services in 6 locations around Houston, all located on church campuses. ISCC makes a concerted effort to reach out and serve communities who otherwise would not have access to mental health services. The Dunn Hope Fund provides scholarships for those who cannot afford counseling, such as students at Yellowstone Academy, which serves students from the poorest of families. Weekly counseling services are available at this Academy. Scholarships are also available to veterans suffering with PSTD. website:

      Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston    

Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston brings people of diverse faith traditions together for dialogue, collaboration and service, as a demonstration of our shared beliefs. We rely on the valuable contributions of more than 3,000 volunteers annually to provide quality services to seniors and refugees. We have many volunteer opportunities for individuals, families and groups to help serve people in need; in addition, many of our projects are appropriate for families with children. Meals on Wheels, aniMeals on Wheels, Refugee Services, Interfaith Relations, Disaster Preparedness all have volunteer opportunities.

      Juan Marcos Presbyterian Church    

For over 30 years, St. Philip has generously helped Juan Marcos Presbyterian Church serve its community through a variety of programs: their clearing house for clothing, a shoe fund that provided vouchers for parents to purchase Payless shoes, gifts for children at Christmas, and a food program with lunches for seniors and some homeless in the neighborhood. These services have gradually been suspended except for the Juan Marcos Shoe Fund because of financial reasons. With help from the women of First Presbyterian Church, this struggling church did send 13 youth to Camp Cho-Yeh in 2012 and may offer a small class in English as a second language. Presbytery supplies a part-time pastor.

      Kids Against Hunger    

The St. Philip Presbyterian Church Kids Against Hunger satellite packages a rice and soy casserole meal fortified with 21 essential vitamins and minerals and 6 dehydrated vegetables. This soy (52% protein) and nutrient rich formula provides complete nutrition and can reverse the starvation process. Acting as a part of the Mission Committee, an average of 10,000 meals a month are delivered by our volunteers to benevolence partners such as CCSC, Kid’s Meals, and Bethel Ministry. More than 2 tons of food packages have been sent to orphanages and impoverished communities in Matamoros, Mexico.

      Kids’ Meals, Inc    

The mission of Kids’ Meals, Inc. is to end hunger among children by delivering nutritious meals to the doors of children in need, free of cost, every weekday year round. As Texas’ only meals-on-wheels service for children,
we provide healthy home-delivered lunches to hungry children under the age of five who live in poverty. St. Philip volunteers collect and deliver presents for families selected by Kid’s Meals staff. Monthly, the St. Philip Kids Against Hunger satellite packages and delivers thousands of nutritionally complete soy and rice casserole meals to Kid’s Meals. These packages are used to provide families with weekend food when daily lunches are not delivered. Our KAH meals are also used to supplement baskets that Kid’s Meals delivers for Thanksgiving, Easter, and Christmas. website:

      Living Waters for the World    

Living Waters for the World is a Christian ministry that provides sustainable clean water, fostering long-term, mutually beneficial, relationships between volunteers and communities in need. St. Philip joins ChristChurch Bellaire and St. John’s Presbyterian Churches to install a purifying water system in the Yucatan in November 2013. LWW trains mission team leaders in partnership development, project administration and system sustainability evaluation and assurance; health, hygiene and spiritual edu-cation and LWW clean water system installation, operation and maintenance.

      Medical Benevolence Foundation (MBF)    

Since 1963, the Medical Benevolence Foundation (MBF) has worked to provide hope and healing to those most in need. Working with our international church partners, MBF supports healing ministries in more than 100 hospitals and clinics through the world. MBF has a new logo which reflects its primary mission of bringing medical services to the poorest of the poor in the name of Jesus. MBF has been the officially validated medical mission support organization for the Presbyterian Church (USA) for over 45 years. MBF’s work includes funding, medical supplies, community development and awareness.


The mission of the Assembly is to foster growth in God through Jesus Christ by sharing its unique living, learning Christian environment. Since 1949, Presbyterian Mo-Ranch Assembly has been a camp and conference center affiliated with the Synod of the Sun of the PC(USA). We occupy approximately 500 acres in a beautiful setting on the North Fork of the Guadalupe River in the Scenic Texas Hill Country. Since 1976, many from St. Philip attend a Mo-Ranch retreat during the second weekend in June. The annual Mo-Ranch Shower began 13 years ago. It is St. Philip’s way of showing our appreciation for the mission and the work they do there.

      Presbyterian Children’s Homes & Services    

Presbyterian Children’s Homes & Services provides a variety of Christ-centered services to children in need and their families. These services are provided through trained staff and volunteers whose standards meet the high expectations of PCHAS. Through these programs, the agency is able to provide services to more than 4,500 children each year. PCHAS is a recognized charity in the annual Houston Marathon and also participates in the St. Philip Alternative Christmas Market. In addition to our annual financial contribution to this agency, in 2013. website:

      Presbyterian Outreach to Patients (POP)    

Presbyterian Outreach to Patients (POP) was organized in 1974 by the Rev. Dr. Lawrence W. Johnson, Associate Pastor of Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church, to visit Presbyterians from “out of town.” Through the years the program has grown to include patients of all faiths, including those who are local. POP lay chaplains, drawn from various congregations in New Covenant Presbytery, are committed to affirming God’s loving, healing presence, and, indeed, they are making a significant contribution to the spiritual and emotional health of the patients and their families.

      Presbyterian Pan American School    

Presbyterian Pan American School is a Christian college preparatory school that educates and empowers young adults for leadership in the global community. Our mission is to prepare these young adults for leadership. Presbyterian Pan American School (PPAS) located south of Kingsville, TX, on land donated by the King Ranch family, has distinguished itself over the past century for its commitment to preparing international students along with racial and ethnic minorities for a university level education. The four-year, fully accredited high school serves about 165 students from Mexico, Central America, Asia, Africa, and the United States.

      Presbytery of New Covenant    

The work and mission of Lord of the Streets Episcopal Church and Community of the Streets Outreach is to minister to the spiritual, emotional, physical and social needs of individuals living in Houston who are homeless, in crisis or in transition. Community of the Streets Outreach Corporation (COTS) is the outreach arm of Lord of the Streets Episcopal Church (LOTS), a homeless congregation, and serves as a social service provider and advocate for the homeless and disadvantaged. Building on LOTS’ experience serving the homeless in Midtown and downtown Houston, COTS has carefully designed.

      Project C.U.R.E.    

Delivering HEALTH & HOPE to the world. Each year PROJECT C.U.R.E. delivers millions of dollars of donated medical relief into developing nations around the world. Since 1987, PROJECT C.U.R.E. has delivered equipment and supplies to incredibly needy people in more than 120 countries. Several members of St. Philip volunteer at Project C.U.R.E. website:

      Schreiner University    

Schreiner University, a liberal arts institution affiliated by choice and covenant with the Presbyterian Church (USA), is committed to educating students holistically. Primarily undergraduate, the university offers a personal-ized, integrated education that prepares its students for meaningful work and purposeful lives in a changing global society. As one of three historic Presbyterian colleges in Texas, Schreiner University continues to promote its religious heritage. Led by a former St. Philip student intern, Campus Ministry at Schreiner provides a variety of programs and services to the entire university community. website:

      SEARCH Homeless Services    

SEARCH Homeless Services pursues a mission of providing hope, creating opportunity, and transforming lives.
This nationally accredited early childhood education program provides developmentally-appropriate early childhood education for toddler and preschool age children while their parents, who live in area shelters, attend classes and begin working. Managing homelessness starts with obtaining the essentials of food & shelter. To end homelessness, people must build their confidence, ability and readiness to change. SEARCH facilitates the required behavior change that bolsters success. website:

      Theological Education Fund    

The Theological Education Fund (General) is the only dedicated source of denomination-wide funding for theological seminaries related to PC(USA). These monies subsidize the seminaries operating budgets and enhance each school’s ability to offer financial aid to students. We have entrusted to PC(USA) 10 seminaries and 2 theological institutions related to the denomination by covenant agreement with the responsibility of educating and equipping persons of faith for pastoral leadership. website:

      United Campus Ministries of Greater Houston (UCM)  

UCMGH is a covenant partnership of the Presbytery of New Covenant, the Synod of the Sun of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the Houston Association of the United Church of Christ, the Coastal Plains Area of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Southwest. Since 1968, UCMGH has served numerous campus communities in higher education ministry. Currently, it has active programs at the University of Houston—Main Campus, Rice University, the Medical Center schools, and the University of St. Thomas. Offices for programming and administration are maintained at the University of Houston. website:

      The Women's Home  

The mission of The Women’s Home is to help women in crisis regain their self esteem and dignity, empowering them to return to society as productive, self sufficient individuals. Personal hygiene items, jewelry, scarves, Kleenex, pens and note paper, stamps and other items are collected and put into 50 decorative photo boxes and delivered to The Women’s Home each Good Friday by St. Philip volunteers. The Women’s Home is included in the annual St. Philip Mission Budget. website:

      SPECIAL OFFERINGS | Christmas Joy Offering  

For more than 70 years, Presbyterians have given generously at Christmas to support the unmet needs of families who have devoted their lives to the mission of the PC(USA). Today this Offering is shared equally by the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions, which provides critical assistance to Presbyterian church workers and their families, and Presbyterian-affiliated racial ethnic schools and colleges, which enable students to develop their gifts and find their calling. website:

Presbyterian Church (USA)
      SPECIAL OFFERINGS | One Great Hour of Sharing  

Since 1949 Presbyterians have joined with millions of other Christians through One Great Hour of Sharing to share God’s love with our neighbors-in-need around the world. Over the past few years, OGHS have enabled the Hunger Program, Disaster Assistance and Self-Development of People share the joy experienced in Christ. These gifts have helped rebuild a fishing community left in tatters after Hurricane Katrina, recently has been in Sandy, NY, with needed help and provided food and shelter to those affected by the devastating earthquake in Haiti. Our gifts support ministries
of disaster response, refugee assistance and resettlement, and community development that help people find safe
refuge, start new lives, and work together to strengthen their families and communities.

Presbyterian Church (USA)
      SPECIAL OFFERINGS | Pentecost Offering  

Giving to the Pentecost Offering makes it possible for the church to encourage, develop, and support its young people, and address the needs of at-risk children. A large portion of this offering can be retained by individual congregations wanting to make an impact in the lives of young people within their own community. Your gifts to the Pentecost Offering help support: Children at Risk, Young Adult Volunteers, Ministries for Youth, Child Advocacy. St. Philip receives this offering on Pentecost Sunday. website:

Presbyterian Church (USA)
      SPECIAL OFFERINGS | Peacemaking  

One heart at a time, we can change cultures of violence into communities of peace with 2013’s Peacemaking Offering. The General Assembly’s adoption of Peacemaking: The Believers’ Calling, which called for an emphasis on peacemaking, paved the way for this offering, which seeks to promote the Peace of Christ across the PC(USA). Individual congregations are encouraged to utilize a large portion of this offering to sustain their local peacemaking ministries. website:

Presbyterian Church (USA)

St. Philip is a member of the Presbyterian Church - USA
4807 San Felipe Street, Houston, TX 77056 - Ph. (713) 622-4807