About Us  
  Bearing witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ,
we are a diverse and welcoming community seeking
to glorify God and engage the world with open
minds,willing hands, and generous hearts.
Responding to God’s grace, we nurture
faith through worship and preaching, teaching
and learning, reaching out in service and fellowship, and working toward justice and peace.

Grounded in our heritage while looking forward with hope, we believe God gathers
us all, uniting us in love to further God’s
kingdom in our midst.

As a congregation in the Covenant Network of Presbyterians [ covnetpres.org ], St. Philip seeks to strengthen the church of Jesus Christ, with the help of God's grace. We are called to achieve this goal by furthering the inclusion of LGBTQ persons, and by working for the unity of the PC(USA).

St. Philip is a member of the Presbyterian Church - USA
4807 San Felipe Street, Houston, TX 77056 - Ph. (713) 622-4807