Music Staff

Thomas Goetz
Director of Music

Dr. Thomas Goetz joined the St. Philip staff
as Director of Music in 2012. Prior to coming to Houston, Dr. Goetz had directed music programs at churches in Florida, Kentucky, and Illinois, and had served on college and seminary faculties in those same states. While in Louisville, Kentucky, he was Seminary Choir Director, Organist, and Adjunct Professor of Music at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.

Tom received his graduate degrees from Northwestern University: a Master of Music
in Church Music and a Doctor of Music in Church Music, with organ as his primary instrument.

He is a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and a member of the Presbyterian Association of Musicians, the American Choral Directors Association, and the American Guild of Organists.

At St. Philip, Tom is Director of the Music at St. Philip Concert Series, and conducts The St. Philip Choir, Bell Canto, Jubilate!,
and the Youth Choir, and serves as organist for the 8:30 am service, as well as occasional seasonal weekday services and memorial services.

Reflecting on his life’s work, Tom writes, “It is always a joy
to see youth and adults alike discover and perform great choral works to high musical standards. It is my belief that beautiful
music of exceptional quality enriches the church’s worship life immeasurably, not for the sake of beauty alone, but for the miraculous experiences of catching a glimpse of God’s glory
and touching the sacred.”

Matthew Dirst

Organist Matthew Dirst, who joined the St. Philip music staff in 1997, plays the 11 am Sunday service, accompanies the St. Philip Choir, and has served St. Philip in numerous other capacities over the years, including two periods as interim choirmaster. He was closely involved in the commissioning of the Fritts organ and Phillips harpsichord and is immensely grateful to serve in a church where music
is so highly valued.

The first American to win major international prizes in both organ and harpsichord, Matthew is also Associate Professor
of Music at the Moores School of Music, University of Houston, where he teaches courses in music history and performance practice, and Artistic Director of the Grammy-nominated early music ensemble Ars Lyrica Houston.  His degrees include a PhD in musicology from Stanford University and degrees in organ and sacred music from the University of Illinois and Southern Methodist University.A Fulbright scholar to France, he received the coveted prix de virtuosité in both organ and harpsichord. The author of numerous articles on the music of Bach and its reception, Matthew is the author of Engaging Bach:
The Keyboard Legacy from Marpurg to Mendelssohn
(Cambridge University Press, 2012).

St. Philip is a member of the Presbyterian Church - USA
4807 San Felipe Street, Houston, TX 77056 - Ph. (713) 622-4807