view the complete St. Philip Calendar


    Adults | view all announcements and events > here  

Adult classes meet on Sunday morning - 9:30 to 10:45.

Ongoing classes include:

Church and Society regularly features speakers and presentations on a variety of contemporary and historical matters of faith and practice.

Bible Study is an ongoing and thorough investigation of the multi-dimensional Word of God.

SPa [email:St.Philip Adult], a discussion-based class linking Scripture to life and culture.

Occasional Sunday morning classes address topics like mission activities, life skills, and Presbyterian basics.

Weekday educational opportunities include:

Monday Evening Study Group, gathers twice a month
from 5:30 to 7:00 to discuss theological books and ideas.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study gathers weekly at 10:30
for a pastor-led Bible study.

An active chapter of Presbyterian Women that has several circles meeting at various times of the month.

Presbyterian Men’s Fellowship meets Fridays at noon for brown
bag lunch and study.

Women’s Book Club meets monthly to discuss a common text.

The PrimeTimers are a group of St. Philip members who plan and participate in fellowship, mission, and educational events. Our group visits museums, attends dramatic and musical performances, and travels to interesting and historic sites in the state.


    Resources     Events  

Our church library, located off the Gathering Area near
the Sanctuary has abundant resources on a wide variety
of faith topics.

  Lecture Series Events
The Duerr Lecture Series in February and The Summer Lecture Series in August bring to St. Philip prominent professors and pastors for presentations and extended conversations.

St. Philip is a member of the Presbyterian Church - USA
4807 San Felipe Street, Houston, TX 77056 - Ph. (713) 622-4807