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The Session

The Session is charged with spiritual oversight of the life of the congregation. The membership of the Session consists of ordained and installed Ruling Elders and Teaching Elders (Pastors), all elected by the congregation. In addition to possessing the necessary gifts and abilities for leading the congregation, those who undertake the ministry of Ruling Elder should be persons of strong faith, dedicated discipleship, and love of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Their manner of life should be a demonstration of the Christian gospel in the church and in the world.

The Session carries out its work primarily through its Standing Committees as well as through task forces, commissions, and other committees. Terms of service for members of the Session begin with ordination and/or installation, traditionally in January.

In their service on the Session, on Standing Committees, task
forces, commissions, and other committees, members of the Session
play a dual role:

As members of the Session, they are responsible for the spiritual oversight of the congregation and for oversight of all the programs
and ministries of St. Philip. In the fulfillment of this role, they are expected to be concerned with whether St. Philip’s programs and ministries are faithful and effective expressions of St. Philip’s mission
as a congregation of Christ’s Church. They act as the policy-making
body of the congregation.

As members of Standing Committees and other working groups,
they are responsible for working with others in planning, implementing,
and evaluating particular programs and ministries of St. Philip and for communicating to the entire Session all information necessary for the Session to exercise its role of spiritual stewardship. The Session as
a body is responsible for communicating to the congregation.

Members of the Session

Class of 2013
Travis Calhoun
Shirley Coffman
Walker Fair
Jeanie Flowers
Nancy Lomax
Lori Murphy
Al Waldrop
Larry Wright

Class of 2014

Beth Atkinson
Jack Fox
Bruce Johnson
Ellen MacDonald
Vicki McKay
Mary McKelvey
Celia Morgan
Bill Morris

Class of 2015
Molly Boren-Whitney
Julia Fox
Jo Helland
Chuck Johnson
Mickey Meyers
Todd Murphy
Fil Nenna
Lad Perenyi

Class of 2016

Mary Benson
Ed Hess
John Lindsay
Martha Red
Jenilee Simmons
Randy Steward
Carolyn Vestal


The Diaconate

Katherine Boone
Joyce Fox

Sue Shirley Howard
Karen McKibben Morris

Clara Reed
Kay Vick



Bob Burns

Casey Lambright

Barbara Runge




Vicki McKay - Chair
Randy Steward


Mary McKelvey - Chair
Mickey Meyers

Fil Nenna - Chair
Martha Red


Al Waldrop - Chair
Celia Morgan
Lad Perenyi


Beth Atkinson - Chair
Jenilee Simmons

Peacemaking & Social Justice

Jo Helland - Chair
John Lindsay

Bruce Johnson - Chair
Chuck Johnson


Jack Fox - Chair
Celia Morgan
Todd Murphy
Ed Hess

Julia Fox - Chair
Lad Perenyi
Mary Benson

Welcoming & Membership
Ellen MacDonald - Chair
Carolyn Vestal

Worship & Music
Bill Morris - Chair
Molley Boren-Whitney

Congregational Nominating Committee (CNC)

Chuck Johnson - Chair


St. Philip is a member of the Presbyterian Church - USA
4807 San Felipe Street, Houston, TX 77056 - Ph. (713) 622-4807